My Hopes for my Daughter

Though she is just an infant, like most parents, I have hopes and dreams for my daughter.  While I am trying my best to make a good life for her and to expose her to culture, diversity, and the arts, I hope to help her reach her full potential and revel in the simple things.  I want the best for her and for her life to be full and happy.  I want her childhood to be magical, not filled with constant fear.  I want her to feel free to express herself and most importantly, to be herself.  I want her to not be afraid letting the world know who she is in love with, no matter their gender, color, or ethnicity.  I want her to have choices when it comes to her health and well-being.  I want her to know it’s ok if she is unsure about her gender.  I want her to grow up respecting the planet and the plants, animals, and people living on it.  I want her to know we are all one in the same and to not let hate fester in her heart.  I want her to have the freedom to follow her personal spiritual journey and to not feel coerced into a specific belief.  I want her to be strong and independent, and to stand up for what she believes in.

As a side note – I know where I personally stand on political, social, and religious issues, and my intent is not to shove my beliefs down someone else’s throat.  The U.S. is a free country, and with that, we have the freedom to have our own thoughts and feelings, ideas and choices.  However, I do find it deeply disturbing what is going on all over the world today.  I can’t sit back and pretend I am not bothered by reports of animal abuse, hate crimes and hate speech, different groups of people living in fear, being marginalized, profiled, and shunned because of their color, ethnicity, or identity, and people passing judgement because someone goes against what they deem as ‘normal’ and/or ‘right.’  At the end of the day, we all share this planet.  At the beginning of every day, we have an opportunity – an opportunity to do good, to care about others and not just ourselves, to learn and become educated about topics that make us uncomfortable, to remember history and work to not allow it to repeat itself, to realize we don’t know the struggles someone else is facing, and to simply be nice to one another.



Life certainly never goes as planned; in fact, in AA there’s even a saying “live life on life’s terms”.  So much easier said than done.  While I am still sober, and at no point during the past months of this year did I even have a scant thought of alcohol, I definitely struggled to cope with the stress of everything.  To start on a positive note, my family and I had an absolutely wonderful month-long drive around the southern part of the country while my husband did research for work.  While he worked, I was blessed to have time to explore the areas with my toddler and had some great bonding time.  Of course, like any trip, we were met with some bumps in the road, some a bit costly, such as having one of our run-flat tires suddenly blow out and we had to have it replaced while traveling.  Must have rolled too close to something sharp at some point.  We also had great visits with our parents, and look forward to the next time we get to see them.

So, late last year, we noticed a substantial amount of black mold in the house we had been leasing.  Leading up to the discovery, we had been experiencing various respiratory related health problems.  Our landlord was so-so about getting it resolved, it felt like we had to stay on him.  In the end, we were not very happy with the work done and did not feel safe staying there, especially with a very young child.  Although we had hoped to wait just a little longer before buying another home, and finances were/are tight, we decided that was a better option than finding another place to lease.  We have moved so many times in our adult lives, it’s crazy; on average, every couple of years.  We are so tired of it.  Since we had all developed mold sensitivity, we were advised by an allergist we had seen to have any new place tested.  The first house we were under contract on came back with astronomical numbers for several strains of mold.  We had to walk away from that one and lose quite a bit a money as a result, but our health is worth it.  That house ended up being pulled from the market immediately and did not go back up for sale for months, by the way.  We continued to look and finally settled on a different house, and the sellers refused to negotiate much… argg.  In the end, we got the house, and then dealt with painters that started out promising, and turned into a nightmare.  The interior paint was original and in abysmal condition, plus it was all a light poopie brown all throughout, so we had it all repainted before moving in.  Fast forward to finally getting moved and mostly settled in; house stress largely behind us.

I have not been feeling well for a couple of years now, with this past year being the worst.  I repeatedly went back to my primary care physician, who kept blowing it all off.  I also complained to my dentist, as I had a non-healing ulceration on my tongue caused by the mouthguard he made that I was wearing at night for grinding my teeth.  I have several enlarged lymph nodes in my neck that have been painful and have never gone back to normal.  I took it upon myself to start seeing one specialist after another trying to get some sort of answer.  In addition to this, I was having severe spinal pain, and issues with my hands being constantly numb to the point I was dropping things.  I could not hold a knife to cut veggies, it took forever to wash my hair, I could not create anything artistic, I could barely function.  After MRI’s of my spine, we found a few vertebrae in my neck are shifting out of place, in addition to some other issues, but are not compressing nerves at this time, so that was not the cause of my hand problem.  However, it did lead to epidural spinal injections to help with pain; I had my lower back done as well.  After an EMG, we discovered I had pretty severe carpal tunnel syndrome and needed surgery asap to prevent permanent nerve damage.  Got that done, and barely healed up, then I’m back to pushing the issue with the ulcer and lymph nodes.  After seeing an ENT who took a biopsy of the ulcer, the pathology report came back that it is indeed cancer.

I was to have a PET/CT scan at the end of last week, but because of caffeine withdrawal (no caffeine for 24+ hours, and I drink at least a pot and a half of coffee a day), I woke up with a raging migraine – one of the worst I’ve had in many years.  I also misunderstood the NPO after midnight instructions…apparently that meant no food, but continue pushing water and also take your meds…  sigh  So, I went in, they did the radioactive IV infusion, not long after, the headache took over and I started vomiting.  Only partway into the scan, I started getting sick again, and because of laying flat at that angle, my head felt like it was about to explode.  I ended up having a full-on panic attack in the machine and was begging them to get me out because I had to sit up.  Apparently I looked pretty damn bad, because the supervisor didn’t even give me much of a choice, he said I needed to get to the ER.  I spent a large part of my day there.  yay.  Over the weekend, more of my routine labs came back, and it turns out I am also bleeding somewhere in my GI tract; thankfully, the ball was already rolling on that end of things.  I will be going in for scopes towards the end of the month.

I was able to get rescheduled for the PET/CT for yesterday morning, and this time, I took my meds, and proactively took something for both nausea and migraine since I was dancing with the beginnings of a headache.  I managed to get through it this time.  Although I do not know the full results yet, I did find out this afternoon that the spot in my mouth we knew about lit up, as well as a neighboring lymph node.  I had surgery today to cut out part of the back of my tongue and the doctor did an aspiration of the node.  So now I can barely talk or swallow anything and the pain sucks.  I will find out next week more after the path reports come in and I go in for follow-up.  On top of this, the foot I had major surgery on a year ago started hurting very intensely over the past month (no injury), so now I have to get an MRI of that.

To be totally honest, I am terrified that the cancer has spread, simply because so much time has passed.  I have been so exhausted, and although I know not to future trip and worry about what I can’t control, I feel I can’t help it this time.  I have more reason to worry than ever – she is three years old and needs her Mommy.  And as a Mom, I feel horrible, almost like a failure, for all the times I have been recovering from surgery and cannot be the one to care for her, only to listen to her cry I want Mommy.  It breaks my heart that she plays pretend on her phones like she is talking to doctors, and will ask if we are going to the doctor today.  I don’t want her to have to think about these things; she is too young.  I am scared.  For myself.  For her.  For my husband who is also struggling with this and is equally, if not more angry that it was ignored for so long.  I was thinking in the shower the other day and the strangest feeling came over me:  I have been suicidal so many times in my life, and now I am in a position where I both need and want to fight for my life.  I’m not ready to checkout just yet.

Today’s Quote

“The great problem facing modern man is that, that the means by which we live have outdistanced the spiritual ends for which we live. So we find ourselves caught in a messed-up world. The problem is with man himself and man’s soul. We haven’t learned how to be just and honest and kind and true and loving. And that is the basis of our problem. The real problem is that through our scientific genius we’ve made of the world a neighborhood, but through our moral and spiritual genius we’ve failed to make of it a brotherhood.”

~Martin Luther King, Jr., Rediscovering Lost Values, Sermon delivered at Detroit’s Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954), 15 January 1929 – 4 April 1968

Where I have been, plus goals for 2019

So, I’ve taken quite a long break from my blog and social media as of late.  The reason has been many-fold.  To begin, I haven’t been the same since losing my beloved Chloe.  I have been in a serious funk since her passing and I am still struggling to pull out of it.  I have struggled with severe depression for a large portion of my life and losing her set me into a bit of a tailspin.  I have yet to finish writing my memorial to her because it is just too painful.  I do hope to have it finished by the one-year anniversary of her death, though.

I also needed the mental break from the ridiculous garbage going on in the White House.  Sure, I paid some attention to the news (how can you completely get away??), but I did not spend hours per day (and sometimes most of the day) dwelling and obsessing, which is where I was.  I realized how unhealthy this was for me and decided to cut the cord for a bit.

Then in September, I was fortunate enough to get to travel to Spain with my family.  My husband spoke at a history conference while we were there, and we got to see his parents, who we had not seen in over a year.  Our little one had a blast!  She loved seeing her grandparents, and she had so much fun exploring everything.  I was taken by how kid friendly they are, so much more than anything I have experienced in the U.S.  They truly cherish children over there.  If you want to see pics, check out my Instagram.

In October, I had major surgery on my left foot to alleviate the excruciating pain I was in due to end-stage arthritis in my midfoot and to repair a botched bunion surgery I had six years ago.  I am still healing/recovering, as it is roughly a four-month process.  I really had thought I would spend some of my recovery time writing and perhaps drawing, but I quickly discovered I just couldn’t do it… Since my first six weeks were to be completely non-weight bearing, and my husband had to work and we have a two-year old, my parents came out to help.  I get along great with my dad, but tensions with my mom have slowly brewed over the years to the point where I have a hard time talking with her.  I hurt deeply from things that have been said to me, and the hypocrisy that comes out of her mouth drives me crazy.  She leaves me triggered, so I just avoided being on the internet through much of this time for my own mental health.  Sadly, we didn’t do anything for Halloween this year since I had surgery only two weeks prior, and our toddler was sick.  This time was also very difficult for me since I couldn’t completely care for myself or my baby.  It is so hard to hear your child crying and calling for you, but you can’t do much, or in some cases anything, to help her because of physical limitations.  I am very independent, so I struggle with allowing others to step in and help.  This all added to my already depressed state.

Our holidays were mostly quiet and peaceful.  We stayed at our house for Thanksgiving and drove back home to my parents’ house for Christmas.  Again, I had a hard time while being there, feeling on edge the whole time, but it was largely uneventful.  I greatly enjoyed meeting up with some old friends for lunch, I only wish there were more time for that!  I also got to see a few relatives I haven’t seen in many, many years.

So, for my goals for the upcoming year:  first, I plan on being around much more with a variety of blogs and social media posts.  I also plan on spending as much time with my sweet little tot as possible, especially since she’ll be going to school before I know it! You can now follow her on Instagram as well at:  We have some traveling scheduled, so I’ll do my best to post pics and commentary about where we are and what we’re doing.  I also hope to squeeze in some time to work on my art, jewelry, and crafts.  And, I will likely have surgery on my other foot at some point.  It’s going to be a busy, but awesome year.  I’m staying positive, hopeful, and sober (going on 7 years!) as we embark into 2019.  If you want to keep up with me, check out some of my social media accounts (links at the top left); I’m working on building them up a bit and adding posts.  And I truly wish everyone a wonderful year ahead!